
Friday, April 25, 2014


the great western mere lady, can you see her?


Drain the Waters
Decide Fate
Magnetic Polarities
Pull Truth
Decide Direction

Choice Made

Gravity Dictates
Threshhold Wanes
Light Illumines
Dawn by Dusk
Moon Waxes
Tide by Night

Current Swift 
Current Calm

Decide Fate
Truth Dictates

Future Made

Carried Wayward
OnWard Way
Thresholds Bind
Spawn and Thrive

Magnetic Polarities
Pull Truth

Current Swift 
Current Calm

Divide the Waters

eternity infinity

An original poem clearly inspired by the CONTINENTAL DIVIDE

We are Sarah "Majik" Fontaine and Matt "Vulture Death" Lesniewicz (MVD)
Majik Vulture Death is totemic in nature, bridging mystery and magic.

As the motto goes for the CDT embrace the brutality.
And I say .......






                 THE GLORY




TH- CRAZY COOK 4/27/14

That's it, we're leaving Santa Fe today 4-25 to begin the journey down to the US/Mexico border. Stopping in Lordsburg to pick a shuttle up Sunday morning.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

CDT Planning


Data overload

Like any thru hiker knows there's a ton of planning involved. Especially with the CDT. Making sense of all the route choices. What's official and what's the ALT. Some of those will dictate your town choices and some will be less of a thing, just making a decision within the particular section.

Since there's two of us we are both going to carry a different map set. I will carry the Bear Creek Map books along with a GPS, compass and Majik will carry the Ley maps, Beacon Data spread and Yogis town guide. Having collected all of the above it is just to hard to make a decision what to leave sitting at home. I know it might seem like over kill and extra weight to add. But in this way it really feels like we got the trail covered. If we get split up we each have maps. Hopefully not though because this is a trail we should be sticking together more so. Now we just need to see it on the ground!

I am interested in it as a experiment of trial and error, to see which set of maps we favor.

As we go, if all the maps seem redundant, than I would opt out for dumping the Bear Creek maps.
I would favor the Leys because they do show all of the variables lending to options and choice. If one were to just stick with the official maps you might be shit out of luck on a few occasions. Where logically and directionally it just doesn't make so much sense. And you will find yourself walking that 3100 miles. Better plan on starting early for that!

I would also say that now having Leys maps printed professionally by Yogis printing press makes a world of a difference in the quality and rivals the Bear creek maps. Leys are simply more diverse.
This is a huge leap forward printing Leys professionally! Would totally recommend paying the $25 to yogi and donating to Ley and calling it done. Instead of buying all the ink $$ and nursing the printer.

Out of all the info we still won't be using any guide book like Wolf's. Mostly because we are going Northbound. And they are written south bound. I do have the Vol 1 Northern Montana that is north oriented. So I might throw that in for the novelty aspect. Undecided.
I have all the old CDTA books as well. They actually have been useful in studying the general spread of the CDT. Watching what has changed and I think has remained the same. There's a few sections of those I thought about throwing in also. Probably not necessary.
Oh yeah, then there's the Delormes and a few Topos.


gila middle frk
Mangas mtns to pietown (old common way)
official- Chain of Craters (might as well be an alt)
Mt Taylor summit
might walk official past Chama River mesa above echo amp -hitch to GHST RNCH
hike out GHST   

Going for San Juans
Greys Torrey
might go for Rocky mtn Nat'l

Cirque of Towers

Henry Lakes


honeyville meats and veggies


Our planning has been even more challenging because we are sending a lot of boxes from home.
Mostly because of Majiks dietary needs. Food allergies and such. If she's sending one, I figured I might as well. Actually in the long run I think this is better. Just way more of a task.
This way we can be real selective of what we are eating. Pack the good stuff. Healthy, nutritionally  satisfying meals and snacks. We eat really healthy off trail so this would not be the point to change.
Also in the long run I think we are eating for cheaper than buying in town. And our food weight should be lighter as well.

We put together some 85 meals of freeze dried meats and vegetables. Added seasoning packs like Simply Organics- sauces along with a choice of a base carbohydrate- mostly freeze dried rice, mashers or noodle.
Next step is the vacuum sealer for long term preservation.
We bought bulk cans of the meat and vegetables from Honeyville Farms.

should be a breeze- presoak-add boiling water or just soak much longer and eat it room temp UMH........
Talking with Dirtmonger on his Vagabond Loop, turned us on to this concept. He goes completely cook less and just soaks his meals in a little tupper ware container.
I'm not totally ready to go cook less but should prove to be viable if the fuel runs low on few long stretches. Which we are planning on doing, skipping a few of those obnoxious resupply points. Would rather just stay out and make the longer haul.
Using alcohol stoves this time around.

freeze dried rice by the 5gl bucket!

love the organic food bars, pricy though$$
protein powder- electrolytes

Well hopefully not. Hopefully I was creative enough. And there's enough variety within one given box.
And yes we left some towns open for buying in town. Providing even more variety.

We will be using 9 towns for Full Resupply and 18 Mail Drops = 27 stops.

From my calculations.......hmh.........18 towns and most will be X 2 people =36
Shoes 4 each x 2 =8
Boxes roughly 44
Even viable resupply towns like Pagosa Springs we are sending in. Our strategy is to have the good stuff packed right for such a challenging section.
OTHER STRATEGY would be to supplement snacks in towns if we feel the boxes are inadequately packed. Mostly concerned with providing good meals.

The best I can say is use Regional Flat Rate boxes. It's less than half the price compared to Priority mail.
Also we live in NM so the closer your region the better.
Example: Lordsburg 7.00 flat/priority 17.00

Also having already invested in a lot of the food expenses should feel like savings on the trail (psychologically speaking)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

CDT- Land of Enchantment NM

Ah yes,  I am fortunate to live in the land enchantment. And am extremely excited to walk the home state. Finally, it's about time. Enough day dreaming and wondering about what lyes over the horizon.
One view in particular I see on clear days is Mt Taylor, Grants. From Santa Fe the CDT is mostly on a distant plane. Accessibility is somewhat limited on any given day, out of reach. The closest outlet would be Ghost Ranch or the San Pedros, Cuba. Which I have been on. And the Gila, well that place is just fantastic. Having taken a handful of trips down there. Before I even knew the middle fork was a chosen alternate for the CDT. The Gila was actually my first introduction into the wilderness of New Mexico.
It shook my bones and mystified me. A place of the ancients. The enchantment was bestowed.

I have been studying that dam CDTA coffee table book all these years. Watching the trail evolve over the years with all the updates, Bear Creek realignments and following the Ley alts. I have found the book useful in a lot of ways though.

I think I got it pretty well memorized...............

Significant Land Features and Towns
Here it goes no peeking

Crazy Cook      BLM
Big hatchets
Little Hatchets
Coyote hills
Brockman hills

Little Burros         Gila Nat'l
Big Burros
Silver City-----------------------Black Range--Plains of San Augustine Pelona Mtn

Pinos Altos mtns      Gila Nat'l FRST
Gila river- ALT
Docs/ Cliff Dwellings
Middle frk- snow lake Bursum Rd
Tularosa Mtns wagontunge
Govina Canyon----find that water off trail

Hwy 12 Reserve  Apache Nat'l FRST
Valle Tio Vences
Mangas Mtns Fire tower

Pie Town hwy 36-----Datils Sawtooths some what?
Long rd walk
Thomas mtn ranch
El Malpais   Nat'l Monument
Chain  of Craters(going for it)--------Cebolla ALT- Sand Armijo Cnys La Ventana Arch Zuni Acoma
Bandera Ice Caves                                  
Bonita Cnyn/Zuni Mtns

Grants                                  Cibola Nat'l FRST
Mt Taylor -san mateo mtns
Mesa Chivato escarpment
Cabezon Pk plug- rio puerco valley

San Pedro Parks Wilderness   Santa Fe Nat'l FRST
x hwy 96
Ojitos Canyon
Chama River/Skull Bridge

Ghost Ranch                  Carson Nat'l FRST
Kitch mesa? or
Harris Bear camp
Tusas Mtns-Mogogito Pk
                  -Mogote Pk
La gunitas Campground
Lake Hopewell
Cruces Basin
Cumbres Pass hwy 17 CO

Chama NM
South San juans CO

I'm sure there's plenty more to add and a few mistakes.

I can't wait to see it on the ground.
To revisit places of memory.
To bridge the gaps and walk the flow.
To breath that familiar air, dry it is.
To smell the pinon
To feel that oh so strong wind.
To soak in that common sun.
To quench my thirst with the precious resource water is

Out of all the states, NM is the one that should be the most exotic is a sense. Something different. The lower southern latitudes have such a different ecosystem away from the alpine driven northern states.
As well as a historically rich culture. Which at one point would have been difficult to travel through the state. Especially the boot heel.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

THE EPOCH MYTHOS- nature inspired writings

 <Cathartes Aura-Golden Purifier>

Vultures follow me 
Presume death decay
If I were to die 
Please send your love now
Don't cry for I'm alive and well and fine
The way it is supposed to be

Like fate and destiny
And all that surrounds and bounds
And grounds us here
And holds us here

                                         Until we die like we're told?

                                         Back to the dirt
                                         Now back to the earth

           Alter vulture and the shapeshifting continuum

"I paint my face red"



I left my heart in the mountains
My soul on the summit
My spirit by the river
My longing in the forest

I fly with the birds
I journey high

I walk with the animals
I travel wide

I swim with the fish
I walk on water

I talk with the plants
I am the root


I have symptoms of a lost day
Bye gone layers
Crumbled sediment
Waiting for a whirlwind
Casting fragments over the display of infinite

"Pull the pieces from the sand as I attempt to reassemble"

I think I could loose my head
But I find peace of mind
All the time blends into one
Days fade away
As I feel so whole
Eternity is my plea
Just let me be
Free as you would
As you could?


Looking at the earth and sky
Discovering what I will find
Celebrating this chance to be
All the same and always one

Deep in the sea
Hollows far below
Canyons and fault lines
Deserts of abandoned time
Forests thick and wide
Mountain so high
The universe is all above
Can you feel the love

Out in the land we live to thrive
Deep in the desert we have water

We keep the fire
Wind in our hair
Breath in our lungs

Out on the earth walking the land
Witness our mother
Talk to the father
Cosmic shimmers deep en the hour
Know your power

Dawning the day
Wake by the light
Out in the land we live to thrive
Deep in the desrt we have water
We keep the fire
Wind in our hair
Breath in our lungs

                                                                Guiding towards
                                                                Embracing soul
                                                                Lifting Spirit


Take me out of the grid
Leave this world behind now                              

Walk away far away
Walk away far away

Rid myself

Why does it have to be?
So trivial
So perplexing
Insanely overwhelming


The great devastator

Paradigm shift

The great revelator

The grand enchantment

On the fringe

It's not the destination but the journey 
Unfortunately most things come to a end
Yet survive in another form
Less obvious
You might come to find
We are all one mind

birth life death