<Cathartes Aura-Golden Purifier>
Presume death decay
If I were to die
Please send your love now
Don't cry for I'm alive and well and fine
The way it is supposed to be
Like fate and destiny
And all that surrounds and bounds
And grounds us here
And holds us here
And grounds us here
And holds us here
Until we die like we're told?
Back to the dirt
Now back to the earth

I talk with the plants
I am the root

I have symptoms of a lost day
Bye gone layers
Crumbled sediment
Waiting for a whirlwind
Casting fragments over the display of infinite
Back to the dirt
Now back to the earth
Alter vulture and the shapeshifting continuum
"I paint my face red"
I left my heart in the mountains
My soul on the summit
My spirit by the river
My longing in the forest
I fly with the birds
I journey high
I walk with the animals
I travel wide
I swim with the fish
I walk on water
I talk with the plants
I am the root
I have symptoms of a lost day
Bye gone layers
Crumbled sediment
Waiting for a whirlwind
Casting fragments over the display of infinite
"Pull the pieces from the sand as I attempt to reassemble"
I think I could loose my head
But I find peace of mind
All the time blends into one
Days fade away
As I feel so whole
Eternity is my plea
Just let me be
Free as you would
As you could?
Looking at the earth and sky
Discovering what I will find
Celebrating this chance to be
All the same and always one
Deep in the sea
Hollows far below
Canyons and fault lines
Deserts of abandoned time
Forests thick and wide
Mountain so high
The universe is all above
Can you feel the love
Out in the land we live to thrive
Deep in the desert we have water
We keep the fire
Wind in our hair
Breath in our lungs
Out on the earth walking the land
Witness our mother
Talk to the father
Cosmic shimmers deep en the hour
Know your power
Dawning the day
Wake by the light
Out in the land we live to thrive
Deep in the desrt we have water
We keep the fire
Wind in our hair
Breath in our lungs
Guiding towards
Embracing soul
Lifting Spirit
Take me out of the grid
Leave this world behind now
Walk away far away
Walk away far away
Rid myself
Why does it have to be?
So trivial
So perplexing
Insanely overwhelming
The great revelator
The grand enchantment
On the fringe
It's not the destination but the journey
Unfortunately most things come to a end
Yet survive in another form
Less obvious
You might come to find
We are all one mind
Yet survive in another form
Less obvious
You might come to find
We are all one mind
birth life death
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